
At present, Kaledor is governed by the leaders of fortified city-states known as strongholds. From within the protection of the stronghold, various governments in many forms have created stability in many of the regions of the continent.


The red walled canyon city is ruled by a matriarchal monarchy. Traditionally, the men of the family become warriors and generals, frequently leaving their city to attend to militaristic matters, while the women focus their education and efforts on governance. As a trade hub, and one that sits as the last major pit-stop before proceeding along the road through the great mountains, it is quite wealthy. Aside from trade, Rothwall has become quite adept at mining, and is one of the few strongholds where items of mithral can be somewhat reliably found for sale.

Queen Brenya Nalain

Queen Brenya is known for being strict but fair. She views the laws and traditions of Rothwall with the same reverence she devotes to her family's legacy.

Lord Vandal Nalain, the queen's ward

Vandal is still a young boy. He has yet to show interest in anything but playing with other children. His parents disappeared after the caravan they were travelling with was attacked along the road to Amnaham, to the south.


The newly awakened stronghold of Skywatch is still in development, and as such its notable governing bodies and individuals are in a constant state of adaptation as its population rapidly grows. It is ruled and protected by a group of adventurers who first appeared in Rothwall during the siege of the Black Talons, after which they were given titles as Heroes of Rothwall. Later, the group was spotted working with the Toran government as the Black Talon developed into a horde on the Iron Plain. Although Toran fell to the horde, the Heroes of Rothwall managed to get over 300 of its citizens to the safety of Skywatch.

Sef Tiller - Chief Constable

Drea Padfoot - 2nd Constable

Vorenzi of the Long Leaf - 1st Ranger, master brewer

Rolph of Redpine - 2nd Ranger

Horace the Grumble - Sorcerer

Rok the Bard-barian - Innkeeper

Velwin the Fair - Merchant's Guildmaster

Ogred Smith - Labor Guildmaster

Pylet Rudhaven - Priest of Farlanghun

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